
JURGEN MOLTMANN has become a figure of international prominence in the world of theology as a result of the major statement of his thought, the Theology of Hope, which first appeared in 1964. Since then, Moltmann himself, as well as many others, have not ceased to marvel at the impact the work has made, not only in the United States and Europe, but in Oriental countries as well. Opinions will obviously differ as to the basis of the impact, but my own opinion is that it can be found in the fact that the Theology of Hope made the truths of the Christian revelation intelligible within the context of modern man's framework of thought. At the same time, Moltmann was able to do this, not by distorting the unique contents of the Christian message, but actually by returning to what he considered to be the truest elements of that message, basing his thought upon the conclusions of modern scriptural exegetes. The Theology of Hope is, then, a work of hermeneutics that is appearing to succeed because of the success with which Moltmann interprets the essentials of the Christian good news in the light of the spiritual and intellectual currents of today. Moltmann concluded the Theology of Hope with a chapter entitled Exodus Community, which sought to formulate certain conceptions of the Church which would follow from the application of certain principles of the theology of hope. The chapter was mainly devoted to political and sociological consequences of hope theology, it being one of Moltmann's major convictions that the absolute separation of the political world and the Christian community is not compatible with the Christian message. Apart from this chapter, Moltmann has published only a monograph and a smattering of essays and sections of other works, as teasers to what a real ecclesiology based on the theology of hope might be. And yet, if the theology of hope actually does ex1 These publications would include Gemeinde im Horizont der Herrschaft Christi: Neue Perspektiven in der protestantischen Theologie (Neukirchen Kreis Moers: Neukirchener Verlag, 1959); Die 'Rose im Kreuz der Gegenwart': Zum Verstandnis der Kirche in der modernen Gesellschaft, Monatsschrift fur Pastoraltheologie 50 (1961) 272-89 (ET in J. Moltmann. Hope and Planning, tr. Margaret Clarkson [London: SCM, 1971] pp. 130-54); Was erwarten Kirche und Gesellschaft voneinander? Der Mensch in der Wirtschaft 12 (1963) 3-17; Die Kirche als Faktor einer kommenden Weltgemeinschaft. Kirche in der Zeit 21 (1966) 307-10; Theologische Kritik der poli-

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