
Highlights: • We compare proxy moisture records in Northeast Asia with the results from a transient simulation. • An east–west antiphasing of summer precipitation in Northeast Asia during the Holocene is found. • The East Asian summer monsoon circulation and mid-latitude westerlies caused the zonal precipitation contrast. Abstract: The East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) is a complex system that brings precipitation to East Asia showing considerable spatiotemporal variations. This study explored the zonal differences of summer precipitation in Northeast Asia at orbital timescales during the Holocene by comparing proxy records with simulation results. At orbital timescales, there was generally an east–west antiphasing of summer precipitation in Northeast Asia during the Holocene. Model–proxy comparison revealed that the driest interval occurred during the late Holocene in western Northeast Asia and during the early to middle Holocene in eastern Northeast Asia. Changes of summer precipitation in western Northeast Asia were mainly influenced by precession-driven EASM circulation. On the one hand, a weaker EASM circulation during the late Holocene weakened water vapor transport from the North Pacific Ocean to Northeast Asia, and on the other hand it was associated with anomalous downward motions in western Northeast Asia. Both factors were in favor of a reduction of summer precipitation in western Northeast Asia during the late Holocene. In contrast, anomalous downward motions prevailed in eastern Northeast Asia during the early to middle Holocene, which were probably related to stronger western Pacific subtropical high and weaker westerlies. The effect of the anomalous downward motions overwhelmed the enhanced water vapor transport, leading to a dry climate in this area from the early to middle Holocene. This study suggests that special care should be taken when discussing the meridional shift of the Holocene climatic optimum in the EASM region due to the zonal precipitation contrast.

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