
Studying the geopolitical architecture of the East-European space we can say that this part of the globe is in the process of formation as a result of relations among geopolitical actors – power centers – the West represented by the US, NATO and EU on one hand and on the other hand the Russian Federation. Carefully analyzing the ongoing transformations in EastEuropean space, we see that the content of geopolitics centered on the ability of states to divide geographical space has rapidly changed. This article analyzes for the first time the subject of the “new configuration of East-European geopolitical architecture”. Integration processes like the EU and NATO eastward extension, as well as those of integration / disintegration from postSoviet space, the events in eastern Ukraine that resulted in the annexation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation have had a significant influence on the creation of the new geopolitical architecture of the East-European space.

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