
The practical exercises on seismic simulator in conditions close to real are irreplaceable, no matter the theoretical training one receives. The latter appear to be the most important prerequisite for attaining knowledge and skills, and acquiring behavioural habits of people for the events of strong earthquakes. Hence, physical simulator platforms realizing scenarios of earthquakes and the vibrations thereof have been in use for several years in some countries. The current article discloses the drawbacks of the existing simulators and, first and foremost, of how these simulators reproduce oscillations far different from the real seismic waveforms. Such simulators do not provide the complete experience during the training process. The paper describes the advantages of the presented simulator – adequate simulation of real seismic oscillations having the correct amplitudes, frequencies and waveforms varying in broad boundaries. Thus efficient and effective education of children and the seniors in effects of a strong and tangible earthquake exhibiting various amplitudes, phases and frequencies of the seismic waves can be made possible.

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