
Three experiments were conducted to examine the effects of sodium pentobarbital (SP), iodoacetate (IO), tubocurarine (TC), and surgical denervation (DN) on early rigor development in broiler breast muscle. In Experiment 1, birds were either anesthetized or not with SP before receiving an injection of IO or TC or maintained as noninjected controls. Experiment 2 was identical except that a treatment of denervation of the breast muscle was added. Experiment 3 was conducted to contrast birds at 1 day (DN1) and 3 days (DN3) denervation prior to slaughter to nonoperated controls. Measurements of muscle lactate, ATP, R value (ratio of inosine to adenine nucleotides), pH, sarcomere lengths, and shear were used to evaluate treatment effects.Results for Experiment 1 showed no significant differences among treatment and control groups for ATP and lactate contents, R values, or sarcomere lengths; however, significantly lower pH and higher shear values were observed for control birds. In Experiment 2, no significant differences were observed among the treatment groups for ATP, R values, or sarcomere lengths. However, lactate and shear values were significantly lower, and pH higher, for the DN and SP treated birds. Experiment 3 resulted in lower lactate and higher pH values for the DN3 treatment in comparison with both DN1 and control groups. Results of these studies indicate that the use of SP and DN can be used to alter the early profiles of rigor development.

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