
There are several early indicators of non-genotoxic bladder tumorigenicity. The non-invasive indications are polydipsia, diuresis, changes in urine pH and urinary cation concentrations, especially Na and Ca. The indicators requiring invasive techniques are increased bladder weight and increased cell replication assessed by DNA labeling or histologically as epithelial hyperplasia. SEM has been used to characterize bladder surface changes, and a reduction of bladder tissue Ca has been implicated in one mechanism leading to bladder cancer. Wherever multiple species have been tested, the non-genotoxic bladder carcinogens have induced bladder responses only in rats. This is true whether the criterion was complete carcinogenesis, promotion or short-term indicators. It also evident that the response can vary greatly within rat strains and is dependent upon the diet being fed. These variables make the relevance of the results obtained in the rat bladder of questionable significance to man. In relation to chronic studies it is clear that as the male rat ages it loses the capacity to concentrate urine, probably because of the endemic, age-progressive loss of functional renal tissue. It is also clear that the bladder grows to accomodate the increase in urine output. Thus it is likely that any agent or treatment that causes bladder damage may be associated with increased neoplasia expression in aged male rats. No other species shows the degree of spontaneous nephrosis seen in the male rat, a condition which is both rat strain- and diet-dependent. Finally, it should be recognized that while there are some early indicators of bladder tumorigenesis that can be useful as warning signs, each compound is likely to yield unique responses when its mechanism is studied in detail. To facilitate discussion of the parameters that have been identified as early indicators of bladder tumorigenesis associated with non-genotoxic agents, the proposed mechanisms of cancer development, the information which led to these proposals and a critique of the mechanisms have been presented.

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