
We studied the hemodynamic effects of left atrial (LA) administration of epinephrine in 10 patients after cardiac transplantation, using a prospective, randomized, double-blind, cross-over design. After allograft implantation, a LA catheter was inserted and epinephrine infusion commenced at 100 ng.kg-1.min-1. Each trial period consisted of 20 min, with the LA and right atrial (RA) lines switched over between each period; hemodynamic measurements were taken after each time period. Whether epinephrine was administered via the RA or LA did not significantly alter hemodynamics (RA versus LA): mean (SD) arterial blood pressure 67 (7.5) vs 64 (9.5) mm Hg (P = 0.16), mean pulmonary artery pressure 22 (4.0) vs 21 (9.4) mm Hg (P = 0.67), cardiac index 3.2 (1.1) vs 3.2 (1.1) L.min-1.m-2 (P = 0.83), pulmonary vascular resistance index 308 (157) vs 345 (157) dynes.s.cm-5/m-2 (P = 0.30) or right ventricular ejection fraction 35% (11%) vs 32% (9.8%) (P = 0.23). Arterial epinephrine plasma levels were similar (P = 0.16). There was no significant pulmonary extraction of measured catecholamines. We observed no hemodynamic benefit of LA epinephrine administration. It may be that the cardiac transplantation population reacts differently compared with other cardiac surgical patients (possibly because pulmonary extraction of catecholamines is reduced). Because we did not observe a hemodynamic advantage in patients immediately after cardiac transplantation, we would not recommend the use of LA epinephrine at the dose studied.

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