
This paper is concerned with the asymptotic behavior of bounded solutions of the Cauchy problem{ut=uxx+f(t,u),x∈R,t>0,u(x,0)=u0,x∈R, where u0 is a nonnegative bounded function with compact support and f is a rather general nonlinearity that is periodic in t and satisfies f(⋅,0)=0. In the autonomous case where f=f(u), the convergence of every bounded solution to an equilibrium has been established by Du and Matano (2010). However, the presence of periodic forcing makes the problem significantly more difficult, partly because the structure of time periodic solutions is much less understood than that of steady states. In this paper, we first prove that any ω-limit solution is either spatially constant or symmetrically decreasing. Furthermore, we show that the set of ω-limit solutions either consists of a single time-periodic solution or it consists of multiple time-periodic solutions and heteroclinic connections among them. Next, under a mild non-degenerate assumption on the corresponding ODE, we prove that the ω-limit set is a singleton, which implies the solution converges to a time-periodic solution. Lastly, we apply these results to equations with bistable nonlinearity and combustion nonlinearity, and specify more precisely which time-periodic solutions can possibly be selected as the limit.

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