
Microbiological indexes have been studied in dynamics at lime treatment and independent planting of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia, variety “Hemus”) and sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum, variety “Genovese”) of fresh sludges from a purification plant, with concentrations of quicklime: 10%, 20% and 30% for a 40-day period of composting. The microbiological analysis includes determining of nonpathogenic (non-spore forming bacteria, bacilli, actynomycetes, micromycetes, bacteria, which assimilate mineral nitrogen) and pathogenic (Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli and coliforms, Enterococcus, Clostridium perfringens) microflora. Out of the beneficial microflora in the sludges the quantity of the non-spore forming bacteria is the biggest, and the lowest is of the actynomycetes. A basic share in the composition of the pathogenic microflora occupies Clostridium perfringens, followed by Escherichia coli and coliforms, and Enterococcus. Absence of Salmonella spp. was established in the studied sludges. The best results for the disinfection of the sludges displays the adding of 30% quicklime (followed by the variants with 20% and 30% lime), on 5-th day of the experiment setting. The pH decrease in the period of the study leads to a repeated development of pathogenic microflora. In the meantime the creation of an alkaline medium leads to decrease in the quantity of the beneficial microorganisms. The decrease of the moisture and the drying of the sludges for the study period display a weaker effect on the dynamics of the microflora in comparison with the pH increase impact. The planting of lavender and basil independently in the sludges samples from a purification plant has a beneficial effect (a little bit better with the lavender variants) for increase of the quantity of nonpathogenic microbes and pathogens frequency of occurrence decrease. The effect is intensified by increasing the plant development period.


  • The sludges from the purification plants are substrata rich in organic substances, which could be used as organic fertilizers in agriculture

  • The results show that the adding of 30% quicklime decreases the amount of the microorganisms to the highest degree – the effect follows for the variants with 20% lime and least impact over the amount of the microbes renders the adding of 10% lime in the sludges

  • Fresh sludges from a purification plant have been studied after lime treatment and independent planting of lavender and basil for a period of 40 days regarding dynamics of nonpathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms

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The sludges from the purification plants are substrata rich in organic substances, which could be used as organic fertilizers in agriculture. The problem for their usage as a fertilizer is the content of heavy metals in them, pathogenic microorganisms and parasites. The lime treatment leads to alkalization of the medium and respectively to sedimentation of the heavy metals in sludges from purification plants, as their solubility and mobility are decreased. When calcium oxide is added an exothermic reaction is obtained and the temperature of the sludges is increased, which helps for the destroying of the pathogenic types of microorganisms and parasites, for acceleration of the processes of disinfection and deworming. Comes the problem with the deodorizing of the sludges, about the solution of which can be used the planting of essential oil crops, some of which have antimicrobial properties

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