
Molecular dynamics in proteins animate and play a vital role for biologically relevant processes of these biomacromolecules. Quasielastic incoherent neutron scattering (QENS) is a well-suited experimental method to study protein dynamics from the picosecond to several nanoseconds and in the Ångström length-scale. In QENS experiments of protein solutions hydrogens act as reporters for the motions of methyl groups or amino acids to which they are bound. Neutron Spin-Echo spectroscopy (NSE) offers the highest energy resolution in the field of neutron spectroscopy and allows the study of slow collective motions in proteins up to several hundred nanoseconds and in the nanometer length-scale. In the following manuscript I will review recent studies that stress the relevance of molecular dynamics for protein folding and for conformational transitions of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). During the folding collapse the protein is exploring its accessible conformational space via molecular motions. A large flexibility of partially folded and unfolded proteins, therefore, is mandatory for rapid protein folding. IDPs are a special case as they are largely unstructured under physiological conditions. A large flexibility is a characteristic property of IDPs as it allows, for example, the interaction with various binding partners or the rapid response to different conditions.

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