
Pertaining to randomness in solar energy, its integration with synchronous generation needs robust controller design for improving small signal stability. Industrial proportional integral and lead-lag controllers are very much popular. But, due to complexity in power system the robustness of controller can be much enhanced with fractional-order controllers. Here, UPFC-PI with fractional lead-lag (PI-FLL) controller is proposed for enhancing small signal stability of variable solar-integrated power system. The controller parameters are tuned by whale optimization technique. It is observed that the stability is hampered with variable solar penetration without effective controller. Time and frequency domain simulations are being carried out to justify the effectiveness of PI-FLL controller. The response predicts that UPFC PI-FLL damps oscillations heavily in contrast to PI and lead-lag controllers optimized by particle swarm, grey wolf, and whale optimizations.KeywordsFACTSUPFCPIFractional lead-lagSmall signal stabilityDamping controller

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