
The evolutionary scenarios which are commonly accepted for PG 1159 stars are mainly based on numerical simulations. These stellar evolution scenarios have to be tested and calibrated with real objects with known stellar parameters. One of the most crucial but also quite uncertain parameters is the stellar mass. PG 1159 stars have masses between 0.5 and 0.8 solar masses, as derived from asteroseismic and spectroscopic determinations. Such mass determinations are, however, themselves model-dependent. Moreover, asteroseismologically and spectroscopically determined masses deviate systematically for PG1159 stars by up to 10 %. SDSSJ212531.92-010745.9 is the first known PG1159 star in a close binary with a late main sequence companion allowing a dynamical mass determination. The system shows flux variations with a peak-to-peak amplitude of about 0.7 mag and a period of about 6.96 h. In August 2007, 13 spectra of SDSS J212531.92-010745.9 covering the full orbital phase range were taken at the TWIN 3.5m telescope at the Calar Alto Observatory (Almería, Spain). These confirm the typical PG1159 features seen in the SDSS discovery spectrum, together with the Balmer series of hydrogen in emission (plus other emission lines), interpreted as signature of the companion's irradiated side. A radial velocity curve was obtained for both components. Using co-added radial-velocity-corrected spectra, the spectral analysis of the PG 1159 star is being refined. The system's lightcurve, obtained during three seasons of photometry with the Göttingen 50 cm and Tübingen 80 cm telescopes, was fitted with both the NIGHTFALL and PHOEBE binary simulation programs. An accurate mass determination of the PG 1159 component from the radial velocity measurements requires to first derive the inclination, which requires light curve modelling and yields further constraints on radii, effective temperature and separation of the system's components. From the analysis of all data available so far, we present the possible mass range for the PG1159 component of SDSSJ212531.92-010745.9.

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