
Android is most popular operating system for smartphones and small devices with 86.6% market share (Chau 2016). Its open source nature makes it more prone to attacks creating a need for malware analysis. Main approaches for detecting malware intents of mobile applications are based on either static analysis or dynamic analysis. In static analysis, apps are inspected for suspicious patterns of code to identify malicious segments. However, several obfuscation techniques are available to provide a guard against such analysis. The dynamic analysis on the other hand is a behavior-based detection method that involves investigating the run-time behavior of the suspicious app to uncover malware. The present study extracts the system call behavior of 216 malicious apps and 278 normal apps to construct a feature vector for training a classifier. Seven data classification techniques including decision tree, random forest, gradient boosting trees, k-NN, Artificial Neural Network, Support Vector Machine and deep learning were applied on this dataset. Three feature ranking techniques were usedto select appropriate features from the set of 337 attributes (system calls). These techniques of feature ranking included information gain, Chi-square statistic and correlation analysis by determining weights of the features. After discarding select features with low ranks the performances of the classifiers were measured using accuracy and recall. Experiments show that Support Vector Machines (SVM) after selecting features through correlation analysis outperformed other techniques where an accuracy of 97.16% is achieved with recall 99.54% (for malicious apps). The study also contributes by identifying the set of systems calls that are crucial in identifying malicious intent of android apps.

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