
This paper is a qualitative study of 42 events of solar filament/prominence sudden disappearances (“disparitions brusques”; henceforth DBs) around two solar minima, 1985 – 1986 and 1994. The studied events were classified as 17 thermal and 25 dynamic disappearances. Associated events, i.e. coronal mass ejections (CMEs), type II bursts, evolution of nearby coronal holes, as well as solar wind speed, and geomagnetic disturbances are discussed. We have found that about 50% of the thermal DBs with adjacent (within 15° from the DB) coronal holes were associated with CMEs within a selected time window. All the studied thermal disappearances with adjacent coronal holes or accompanied by dynamic disappearances were associated with weak and medium geomagnetic storms. Also, nearly 64% of dynamic DBs were associated with CMEs. Ten (40%) dynamic disappearances were associated with intense geomagnetic storms, even when no CMEs was reported, six (24%) dynamic disappearances corresponded to extreme storms, and five (20%) corresponded to medium geomagnetic storms. The extreme geomagnetic storms appeared to be related to combined events, involving dynamic disappearances with adjacent coronal holes or including thermal disappearances. Furthermore, the geomagnetic activity (Dst index) increased if the source was close to the central meridian (±30°). The highest interplanetary magnetic field (B), longest duration, lowest southward direction Bz component, and lowest Dst were highly correlated for all studied events. The Sun – Earth transit time computed from the starting time of the sudden disappearance and the time its effect was measured at Earth was about 4.3 days and was mainly well correlated with the solar wind speed measured in situ (daily value).

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