
reductions cn the composite endpoint of death, repeat MI. ischemic target vessel revascularization (TVR), and disabling stroke (3.0% vs. 1.3%, p=O.Ol), largely due to a decrease in ischemic TVR (2.4% vs. 0.6%, p=O.O025). Abciximab also reduced early subacute thrombosis (1 .O% vs. O.l%, p=O.O06). Among 1703 pts in the U.S., mean times of hospital D/C in abcx and non-abcx treated pts were 4.9 + 2.7 days vs. 5.4+ 3.5 days respectively, p<O.OOl, and total mean in-hospital costs for the 2 groups were $13,413 (abcx) vs. $13,000 (no abcx), p=O.13. In the first 7 days following hospital D/C, there were no significant differences relative to abcx treatment regarding the composite endpoint (0.8% vs. 0.3%, p=NS) or its individual elements, nor were differences in major or minor bleeding observed. ConclusionsAdjunctive abciximab therapy during primary PCI is associated with reduced early adverse ischemic outcomes that may facilitate early hospital D/C and effect cost sawngs. However, standard times to D/C after primary PCI are now so short that efforts to further accelerate DIG with abciximab were for the most part not feasible, and cost savings were not realized.

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