
The phenomenon of seclusion and reclusion increases at the end of the XVIth century and during the XVIIth century because of the catholic Reform and the politics of « renfermement » of poor people. If the historiography has already insisted on the convergence and concomitance, it has not understood the complexity of the causes, the width of religious needs and above of all the central place set by women in the charitable struggle. Therefore, this contribution is concerned by the part of the hospital nurses in society. Contrary to the nuns, she are not involved in conventual invasion of towns because she depend on Church, State and municipalities. Majoritary in hospitals, she must accord religious life and hospital activities. In spite of many rules, all is establish to destroy the conventual wish of some sisters. The rule is continually mixted; there are many degrees, many compositions in seclusion increased by the practice. The last two parties about the sisters of charity show that the absence of seclusion wanted by Vincent de Paul is not a form of emancipation. They are ted to the ecclesiastical superior and the hospital directors so that she commit no blunder outside. Obedience is seclusion, work is a prayer. So, the beginning of stereotypes since theXVHlth century; in spite of appearances, contemporary did not think the spirit of seclusion was so strong and put the sisters of charity near nuns.

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