
E. W. D., a man, aged 26, consulted me, Nov. 16, 1933, because of a vesicular dermatitis accompanied by intense itching of the scalp, face and neck of thirty-six hours' duration. The eruption began within twenty-four hours after two applications of Kreml hair tonic and consisted of tense, acuminate, split pea sized vesicles filled with a clear to straw colored fluid. There was edema of the scalp and eyes. November 17 his face became swollen and he had nausea, abdominal distress and loose stools. The patient refused to have a patch test of the hair tonic but agreed to patch tests of the various ingredients. The manufacturer supplied a list of the ingredients and the patch tests were applied to the inner surface of the right arm. The patch containing 39A alcohol (18 Gm. of cinchonidine sulphate to 1 gallon of isopropyl alcohol) gave a definite papulovesicular reaction on an

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