
Gresik is one of the areas with severe drought levels in East Java. This drought disaster caused by low rainfall and the high average surface temperature in an area. These two factors are currently difficult to predict due to uncertain climate change, this is also related to the global warming that is happening. This disaster cannot be completely avoided but can be minimized. This research was conducted to periodically check or time series of droughts by utilizing the Google Earth Engine platform. Drought identification obtained from multitemporal Landsat 8 satellite imagery with the TVDI (Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index) algorithm and field data retrieval in the form of aerial photos using a thermal camera from the DJI Mavic Enterprise Dual Thermal. From this study, it can be monitoring the distribution of drought in the 2015-2020 period in Gresik Regency occurred in 9 sub-districts, there are Wringinanom, Driyorejo, Kedamean, Balongpanggang, Benjeng, Menganti sub-districts as well as several areas in Duduksampeyan, Cerme and Panceng sub-districts. The identification of dry land also correlates well with the rainfall that occurs, namely?100 mm/month, which has low rainfall during drought events.

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