
AbstractA certain differentiation between refugees and other aliens seemed unevitable and to a certain extent desirable. The situation in major countries of immigration which do not distinguish between refugees and immigrants proper is a cause of concern to UNHCR — The refugees are in a special position in regard to protection. They are in a particularly difficult psychic and physcal situation which requires intensive and immediate aid and support. Usually they have had no posibility to prepare themselves, they do not have jobs, housing or information about their new country in advance. This is why voluntary refugee agencies, such as the Danish Refugee Council, should continue to concentrate on refugee work wothout however rejecting to cooperate with other for the benefit of all aliens. The lack of procedural safeguards was discussed. In Denmark 700 out of a total of 1000 expulsions a year concerns tourists, and only 10-20 expulsions gives rise to public debate. Free legal aid would be possible if competence to expel is transferred to courts of law but experience from Sweden did not speak for this, inte ralia because it has turned out that courts are reluctant to consider political circumstances endangering a refugee if returned. In practice the administrative procedure provides for contradiction. It is the intention in Sweden to limit expulsion to very serious criminals. The desirability of refugee quotas was discussed. On the one hand they are exclusive as much as they are inclusive. On the other they are intended by the authorities to provide a floor, not a ceiling, for the intake of refugees. Aditional ad hoc quotas could be established, ref. e.g. the boat refugees quotas. The wish was expressed to exclude all spontaneous refugees, the number of whom is rather small anyway, from the quotas. When each refugee takes up place for another the refugee policy tends to be restrictive.

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