
Abstract A field data collection project was undertaken to investigate the short-term fate of dredged material discharged in the designated Miami Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) before dredging of the Miami River and the Miami Harbor Turning Basin begins. the designated ODMDS is located in relatively deep water for discharge sites with a typical bottom depth of 150 metres and is also located in the western boundary region of the Gulf Stream current off Miami. Acoustical backscattering, current, particulate, temperature and salinity data were gathered over a three day period from April 24, 1990 through April 26, 1990. the major generic features of shallow-water discharge plumes were observed to be present: (a) the presence of a rapid convective descending plume portion; (b) impact of that plume portion with the ocean bottom and concomitant generation of a bottom surge; (c) rapid horizontal width growth of the descending plume through entrainment; and (d) retention of a residual plume portion within the water column. A well-mixed upper water column layer extending to a depth of 40 to 60 metres below the surface of the ocean permitted measurements of the plume entrainment coefficient free from bottom boundary, water column density gradient, and vertical current shear effects which are usually present in relatively shallow, e.g. less than 40 metres bottom depth, coastal ocean discharge studies. Entrainment coefficient estimates obtained in this study were between 0.5 to 0.7. the residual water plume material was tracked over one-half hour during each of eight discharge events and was transported in a north-northeast direction.

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