
Reviewed by: Dream within a Dream by Patricia MacLachlan Kate Quealy-Gainer Maclachlan, Patricia Dream within a Dream. McElderry, 2019 [128p] Trade ed. ISBN 978-1-5344-2959-8 $16.99 E-book ed. ISBN 978-1-5344-2961-1 $10.99 Reviewed from galleys R Gr. 3-5 "Things are changing. I hate change." So says eleven-year-old Louisa at the beginning of her annual summer stay with her grandparents on Deer Island, when it becomes clear that the usually predictable summer routine has been interrupted by her grandfather Jake's failing eyesight. Louisa knows unflaggingly cheerful Jake is putting on a brave face, but she's aware that macular degeneration will slowly strip him of his ability to do some of his favorite things with her. Not all change is bad, though, as Louisa finds out when she meets George, a neighbor kid who moves from new friend to first kiss pretty quickly, and whose family welcomes Louisa and her brother with evening dinners, dances under strung-up fairy lights, and even [End Page 351] lessons in Swahili from George's African immigrant father. MacLachlan continues to be a master of gentle family drama, and Louisa's narration is mostly quiet and spare but occasionally, and age-appropriately, dramatic ("I am filled with anguish," Louisa says about her unruly mess of hair). The dreamy, secluded island setting is a character in its own right, and its unusual residents are introduced through a writing project George volunteers Louisa for, creating a cozy, familial community that readers will happily fall into. Kids may be a little taken aback by the ending in which Louisa's supposedly loving parents decide that she should permanently live with her grandparents, but they'll be happy to see Louisa and her brother continue their time on Deer Island. KQG Copyright © 2019 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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