
Abstract: In Gamble v. United States, the defendant questioned the constitutionality of the dual sovereignty doctrine under the double jeopardy clause. In its judgment, delivered on 17 June, 2019, the United States Supreme Court upheld the application of the dual sovereignty doctrine, according to which different sovereigns may prosecute an individual without violating the double jeopardy clause if the individual's act infringed the laws of each sovereignty. This comment aims to address the reasoning of the Supreme Court and the rationale of the dual sovereignty doctrine, suggesting the convenience and necessity of a further study on its limits and the possible safeguards against potential abuses.


  • On 17 June 2019, the United States Supreme Court delivered a 7-2 decision in Gamble v

  • United States, the defendant questioned the constitutionality of the dual sovereignty doctrine under the double jeopardy clause

  • In its judgment, delivered on 17 June 2019, the United States Supreme Court upheld the application of the dual sovereignty doctrine, according to which different sovereigns may prosecute an individual without violating the double jeopardy clause if the individual's act infringed the laws of each sovereignty

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N. E.: El comentario fue escrito en inglés, idioma de la sentencia, debido a las dificultades para traducir con fidelidad algunos términos clave en aquella. Javier Escobar Veas, Double Jeopardy and dual Sovereignty Doctrine: Gamble v. 2019): 225-244 la doctrina de la soberanía dual, conforme a la cual distintas soberanías pueden enjuiciar a una persona, sin violar el ne bis in idem, si la conducta del imputado infringió las leyes de cada una de ellas. El presente comentario tiene por objeto abordar el razonamiento de la Corte Suprema y el fundamento de la doctrina de la soberanía dual, abogando por la conveniencia y necesidad de un estudio profundizado sobre sus límites y posibles salvaguardias en contra de posibles abusos. PALABRAS CLAVE: ne bis in idem, persecuciones múltiples, doctrina de la soberanía dual. 2. Is there any safeguard against the dual sovereignty doctrine? Is there any safeguard against the dual sovereignty doctrine? Bibliography

Definition of sovereign for double jeopardy purposes
Is there any safeguard against the dual sovereignty doctrine?
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