
The appearance of Dory, the forgetful blue tang fish, as the main character in Finding Dory (2016), one of Disney’s animated feature films, makes the film popular and has been nominated to 46 awards and won 16 awards. Previously, Dory was a helping character in the original film, Finding Nemo (2003). This study aimed to identify Dory’s characterizations by using textual analysis to find the uniqueness of Dory in the film. The analysis resulted in Dory’s paradoxical characterization where she was forgetful yet creative, reliant yet independent, and anxious yet confident. These paradoxes implied that this film portrays that negative characters can be developed into good characters. Therefore, this film can be used as media to develop characters in informal education.


  • Based on the popularity of animated film among children, the characters in a film can be a resource of character education (Rochmawati, 2016)

  • After the sequel came out, research has been done by Klinowski (2017), which implies that both films imply some character education values such as empathy, spirit, cooperative, and many other soft skills

  • This study chose Disney’s animated film entitled Finding Dory (2016) based on its suitability for children and the result of the research on its prequel entitled Finding Nemo done by Mitayani in 2010 and Klinowski in 2017 which shows a positive impression on the film

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Based on the popularity of animated film among children, the characters in a film can be a resource of character education (Rochmawati, 2016). This study chose Disney’s animated film entitled Finding Dory (2016) based on its suitability for children and the result of the research on its prequel entitled Finding Nemo done by Mitayani in 2010 and Klinowski in 2017 which shows a positive impression on the film. According to Halvatzis (2018), stories are made vibrant, interesting, and authentic from paradoxical characters that are arisen from life complexity. In her analysis on paradox in Bronte’s Wuthering Height, Levin (2012) finds that the two characters in the novel show their paradoxes when they hide their true feeling but yearn to be understood, they behave like two different persons on different occasions. A paradox is a state where something is done contradictory with how it is supposed to be or how it is said to be done

DISCUSSIONS OF MAIN THEMES Dory as a Forgetful yet Creative Character
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