
Dorothybegan her tertiarystudiesat theUniversity of Sydney in 1943 inthe Faculty ofAgriculture, and proceeded during her course on Commonwealth scholarships. During her University vacationsshe workedin the AustralianWomen's LandArmyand after World WarII with otheremployers in various rural industries. ShegraduatedBScAgr in 1947 and becamea Demonstratorand latera Teaching Fellow in Plant Pathology, in Genetics and PlantBreeding, and in Agricultural Botany, at the University of Sydney. During this time she workedclosely with ProfessorW L Waterhouse, especially in regardto non-rust specimens, includingthe identification of someherbarium specimens fromPNG,andisolating C/aviceps purpurea forhisergotresearch. Thoseof uswhoremember Professor Waterhouse willrealise that manyofhis admirablequalitiesare reflected in Dorothy'scharacter, especially thecommitment and determination whichbecame ahallmarkofhercareer. Shealsoworked withPeter Valder during his honoursyear.During this time she developed interests in mycology, fungaltaxonomy andcytology, as well aspathology, interestswhichhavecontinued to the present day. Dorothywas admitted to the degreeofMScAgr in 1953 for her work on species of Septoria and related genera on Gramineae in Australia. Two paperswerepublishedfromthe thesis, but themain part of the work remained unpublishedbecausein 1953 she wasawardeda ThomasLawrance Pawlett Scholarshipand left immediatelyfor overseas.

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