
Part I: Whole Plant and Organ Physiology 1: Growth Cycle and Dormancy in Plants, H Okubo 2: Bud Dormancy, a Suggestion for the Control Mechanism and its Evolution, A Erez 3: The Distinct Controlling of Dormancy Release and Germination Commencement in Seeds, N V Obroucheva and O V Antipova 4: Sugar Metabolism in Apple Embryos, S Lewak, et al. 5: Population Responses to Temperature for Loss and Induction of Seed Dormancy and Consequences for Predictive Empirical Modelling, A J Murdoch, et al. 6: Pre-Treatment at Controlled Seed Moisture Content as an Effective Means to Break Dormancy in Tree Seeds, M P M Derkx Part II: Water Relations and Stress 7: Organismic and Environmental Controls of Bud Growth in Tropical Trees, R Borchert 8: Water Relations in Winter: Influence on Budbreak of Walnut Tree, T Ameglio, et al. 9: Morphological Structure and Water Status in Tulip Bulbs during their Transition from Dormancy to Active Growth: Visualization by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, R Kamentetsky, et al. 10: Seed Dormancy as One of the Survival Strategies in Annual Plant Species Occurring In Deserts, Y Gutterman 11: Seasonally-Regulated Proteins in Peach (Prunus persica): What are They and What Do They Do? M Wisniewski and R Arora Part III: Abscisic Acid and Hormonal Control 12: Aspects of ABA and Fusicoccin Signal Transduction in Barley Grains: 12.I: Effect of Fusicoccin on ABA-induced Gene Expression in Embryo and Aleurone 12.II: Spatial and Temporal Expression of 14-3-3 Proteins in Dormant Embryos, B Testerink, R M van der Meulen and M Wang 13: Dormancy of Cereal Seeds as Related to Embryo Sensitivity to ABA and Water Potential, F Corbineau and D Come 14: Abscisic Acid Control of Seed Dormancy Expression in Nicotiana plumbaginifolia and Arabidopsis thaliana, M Julien, et al. 15: The Role of Endogenous Hormones in Potato Tuber Dormancy, J C Suttle 16: Role of ABA, Gibberellins and Auxin in Dormancy and Dormancy Release of Tulip Bulbs, M Saniewski, et al. Part IV: Biochemical and Cellular Aspects 17: ATP, ADP and NTP Contents in Vegetative and Floral Peach Buds During Winter: Are They Useful for Characterizing the Type of Dormancy, M Bonhomme, et al. 18: Alcohols that Break Seed Dormancy: the Anesthetic Hypothesis, Dead or Alive? M A Cohn and H Hilhorst 19: Are Cellular Membranes Involved in the Control of Seed Dormancy? H Hilhorst and M A Cohn 20: Intercellular Communication Channels and Intracellular Calcium Levels Involved in Dormancy Development of Poplar (Populus deltoides) Plants, L-C Jian, et al. 21: The Developmental Basis of Bud Dormancy in 1-year-old Picea and Pseudotsuga Seedlings, J E MacDonald Part V: Genetics and Molecular Biology 22: Molecular Genetic Analysis of Bud Dormancy Related Traits in Populus, T H H Chen, et al. 23: Regulation of Growth and Dormancy in Pea Axillary Buds, J P Stafstrom 24: Expression of Endo-ss-Mannanase and S.N.F-Related Protein Kinase Genes in True Potato Seeds in Relation to Dormancy, Gibberellin and Abscisic Acid, V Alvarado, et al. 25: The Genetics of Seed Dormancy in Arabidopsis thaliana, M Koornneef, et al.

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