
One of the key novelties that constructivism introduces to International Relations theories is the term "ideas", as a starting point for understanding, as well as constructing social reality. Because of plenty variations in defining the term "ideas" by different social constructivists, the author in this article aims to analyze Alexander Wendt's approach, with a focus on its significance to security studies. By reviewing Wendt's basic presumptions about idealism, rump materialism (of human nature), material and identity needs, including distinction between materiality and objectivity, the author attempts to make conclusions on possibilities of implementation of these presumptions in researching security phenomena and processes, or, in other words, critically evaluate potential contribution, as well as flaws, for theorizing about security issues. In conclusion, the author suggests that there is undoubtedly significant contribution embedded, primarily, in constitutive versus traditionally dominate causative approach to material factors, especially interests and power, in regard to ideational factors, and measure in which ideas constitute material factors (constituting power by interests, and interests by ideas), as well as claims that ideational constructions can also be real and objective, and emotions such as fear, insecurity and aggression are essential to human nature, result of unfulfilled needs, and eventually, social constructions. Finally, applied to security issues, the most important Wendt's contribution is in the fact that accepting both material and ideational, not just causality, but also constitution, is the best approach for the security research field. Understood in this way, it leads to qualitatively different analyses of the security phenomena and processes, and at the same enables including various variables significant for understanding and, maybe, predicting security dynamics, those that were excluded from the analyses as a result of domination of materialistic approach. Moreover, majority of security phenomena, including risks and threats, and also factors that influence the behavior of security actors and security actions in general, are ideational constructions, which is what makes Wendt's approach vital for dealing with security issues, especially having in mind fact that it opens wide possibilities for practical implementation, potentially leading to new theoretical perspectives in security studies.

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