
Cocoon-spinning larvae of the codling moth, Cydia pomonella, emit a pheromone that mediates aggregation by pupation site-seeking fifth-instar larvae. It was unknown and, thus, we tested whether the aggregation pheromone induces arrestment or attraction responses. In paired straight-tube experiment 1, fifth-instars moved faster and farther upwind toward cospecific cocoons compared to blank controls. In still-air cage experiment 2, fifth-instars selected more often as first and final choices of pupation sites those with cocooning conspecifics than those without. Finally, in Y-tube olfactometer experiment 3, fifth-instars anemotactically responded to, and preferred, side arms with cocooning conspecifics to those without. Our data provide evidence that codling moth larvae are attracted to, rather than merely arrested by, larval aggregation pheromone. These results help explain reported aggregations or clumped distributions of larvae on tree trunks, which would likely not occur if they were based merely on chance encounter of cocoon-spinning larvae by foraging larvae.

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