
The purpose of the study is to determine pre-service Turkish language teachers' use of text structure elements and their awareness and experience with argumentative writing. The research was designed as a case study, which included 115 undergraduate students studying Turkish language teaching. The data of the study consisted of the participants' argumentative writings and interviews. As data collection tools, the researchers developed an "Evaluation Rubric of Argumentative Text Elements" by conducting validity and reliability tests and prepared a "Semi-structured Interview Form" to uncover the participants' experiences and opinions about argumentative writing. Quantitative data were evaluated using descriptive statistical techniques, and qualitative data were analyzed through thematic analysis. The quantitative results showed that the average success of the participants was 75.2% in topic element, 72.6% in claim element, 65.6% in the element of supporting a claim, 42.3% in counterclaim and backing for the counterclaim, 36.8% in grounds for rebuttals, 49.3% in conclusion element, and the overall average success was 56.54%. The qualitative results indicated that the participants' awareness of argumentative text structure was weak. Lastly, the participants' experiences with and opinions on argumentative writing were categorized to determine the factors that contributed to their success.

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