
Research in the United States with college students found that cloze tests correlate highly with test batteries and listening comprehension tests. Where adult open enrolment students are concerned, however, correlations between cloze tests and listening tests have been more moderate. To determine whether such learner variables as age and high-school graduation could influence students' language test scores enough to cause the lower correlations, six tests were given to 257 students in an adult program. These tests were an open ended cloze, a multiple-choice cloze, two listening tests, a reading test, and a structure test. Results were analyzed using correlation studies and three-way analyses of variance. Both age and high school graduation accounted for variance on some but not all of the tests. Age was a significant factor on tests of listening and structure, while high school graduation had a lesser, but statistically significant, effect on all but one test. It was concluded that such learner variables as age and high school graduation could affect cloze correlations.

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