
This study investigated levels of childbirth fear and related prenatal factors (self-confidence for childbirth, prenatal depression, knowledge about childbirth, and spousal support) among pregnant women in South Korea. A correlational study design was used to explore levels of childbirth fear and related prenatal factors in 200 pregnant women over 28 weeks of gestation. A self-administered questionnaire was used to measure fear of childbirth and related factors, such as self-confidence for childbirth, prenatal depression, knowledge about childbirth, and spousal support. One-third of the pregnant women were aged 35 years and older. Sixty-one percent of women were nulliparae, but only 26.0% had experienced prenatal education. The mean score for fear of childbirth was 66.99 out of 165. The prevalence of fear of childbirth was 72.0%, and childbirth fear was severe in 26.5% of the participants and moderate in 45.5%. Fear of childbirth was negatively related to self-confidence (r=-.45, p<.001), but positively related to prenatal depression (r=.21, p=.002). Two significant predictors were found to explain the fear of childbirth. Higher self-confidence for childbirth was associated with less severe fear of childbirth (β=-.44, p<.001), while higher prenatal depression was associated with more severe fear of childbirth (β=.13, p=.038). The level of fear of childbirth was higher among pregnant women with lower self-confidence and higher prenatal depression. Reasonable evidence should be provided for implementing prenatal and childbirth classes to reduce pregnant women's depression and to increase their confidence.


  • 연구 필요성 임신과 분만은 여성 생애주기의 중요한 사건 중 하나로 특히 분만 은 여성에게 여러 신체적 경험뿐 아니라 정서적 스트레스도 동반한 다[1]. 여성들에게 임신과 분만은 기쁨과 성취에서 불안과 공포에 이르기까지 모든 종류의 다차원적 정서적 경험과 감정을 유발하는 데, 일부 임산부들은 신체적 변화와 호르몬의 변화 등에서 오는 부 정적인 감정이 지속적으로 이어져 분만에 대한 두려움을 경험한다 [2]. 분만 두려움(fear of childbirth)은 임부들에게 흔한 감정이지만, 임신 중 불안 장애 또는 심각한 두려움의 형태로 발전할 수 있기 때 문에 심각한 문제이다[3]

  • What this paper adds This study demonstrated that pregnant women with lower self-confidence and higher prenatal depression had more severe fear of childbirth

  • 평가한 결과, 우울감이 낮은 임부는 133명(66.5%), 10점 이상으로 우울 위험이 있는 임부는 67명(33.5%)으로 나타났다. 분만에 대한 지식은 13점에서 22점의 분포를 보이며, 평균 13.22±1.55점으로 중간 이상 수준이었다. 배우자 지지는 최소 7점에서 최대 24점이었 고, 평균은 20.96±3.06점으로 높은 수준이었다(Table 2)

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Summary statement

What is already known about this topic? Pregnancy and delivery cause multidimensional emotional experiences and emotions, from joy and a sense of accomplishment to anxiety and fear. Fear of childbirth is common among pregnant women, but poses a serious problem because it can develop into a form of anxiety disorder or severe fear during pregnancy. What this paper adds This study demonstrated that pregnant women with lower self-confidence and higher prenatal depression had more severe fear of childbirth. Implications for practice, education, and/or policy Pregnant women’s fear of childbirth should be reduced before childbirth. A tailored intervention for prenatal and childbirth classes is necessary to reduce pregnant women’s prenatal depression and to increase their self-confidence for childbirth

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