
This study addresses relationships between leaf phenology, xylogenesis, and functional xylem anatomy in two ring-porous oak species, the temperate Quercus robur and the sub-Mediterranean Q.pyrenaica. Earlywood vessel (EV) formation and leaf phenology were monitored in 2012 and 2013. Ten individuals per species were sampled at each of three sites located in NW Iberian Peninsula. EV areas measured on microcore sections were used to calculate the hydraulic tree diameter (Dh ), in order to model relationships to phenology. Thermal requirements were evaluated using growing degree days (GDD). A species-specific timing of growth resumption was found. The onset of EV formation and budburst were associated to a particular GDD in each species. The onset and duration of EV enlargement affected Dh (and EV size) in Q.robur, but hardly in Q.pyrenaica. The relationship between the timings of EV formation and xylem structure appears to be stronger for the temperate oak, whose larger vessels may result from thermal-induced earlier resumption. In contrast, the sub-Mediterranean oak would maintain a more conservative hydraulic architecture under warming conditions.

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