
A variety of biochemical and histochemical techniques have been used to compare the composition of chromatin in sperm nuclei isolated from the epididymides of five mouse strains. The DNA content was determined by phosphorus analysis, deoxyribose analysis, absorption spectroscopy at 260 nm, and cytomorphometry following gallocyanine chrome alum staining. All four methods indicate that the mouse sperm nucleus contains approx. 3.3 pg DNA and that the DNA content does not vary significantly among the strains tested. Three different techniques, quantitative amino acid analysis, absorption spectroscopy at 230 nm, and sperm head density analysis in cesium chloride, were used to determine the protein content. Sperm nuclei from each strain of mouse were found to have a protein to DNA ratio of 0.9 and a chromatin protein content of 3 pg/nucleus. Comparisons of the basic proteins by disc gel electrophoresis demonstrate that the sperm nuclei contain only protamine and lack significant levels of somatic histones or transition proteins. The sperm from each strain contained both mouse protamine variants and the relative distribution of the two proteins did not appear to differ among strains. Using this information, we have been able to draw certain conclusions regarding DNA-protamine interactions and the mode of DNA packaging in the sperm nucleus. The most important of these is that the DNA in the mouse sperm nucleus cannot be packaged in nucleosomes. The protamines in sperm chromatin do not function as structural proteins, providing a subunit core around which the DNA is wrapped, but appear to completely neutralize the phosphodiester backbone of the DNA molecule, thereby minimizing the repulsion between neighboring segments of DNA and allowing it to be condensed into a biochemically inactive particle of genetic information.

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