
Despite the wide availability and usage of Gatan’s DigitalMicrograph software in the electron microscopy community for image recording and analysis, nonlinear least-squares fitting in DigitalMicrograph is less straightforward. This work presents a ready-to-use tool, the DMPFIT software package, written in DigitalMicrograph script and C++ language, for nonlinear least-squares fitting of the intensity distribution of atomic columns in atomic-resolution transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images with a general two-dimensional (2D) Gaussian model. Applications of the DMPFIT software are demonstrated both in atomic-resolution conventional coherent TEM (CTEM) images recorded by the negative spherical aberration imaging technique and in high angle annular dark field (HAADF) scanning TEM (STEM) images. The implemented peak-finding algorithm based on the periodicity of 2D lattices enables reliable and convenient atomic-scale metrology as well as intuitive presentation of the resolved atomic structures.

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