
The present paper addresses the impact of the divertor option on the nuclear performances of the Demonstration fusion reactor (DEMO). As the effect of the number and size of the divertor has been already evaluated, in this work the focus has been posed on the composition in terms of amount of cooling inside the divertor cassette. Transport responses, as the Tritium breeding ratio (TBR), neutron and gamma fluxes and spectra inside the plasma chamber, as well as activation responses such as shutdown dose rate, decay gamma fluxes and heating have been evaluated for two different blanket concepts of the future European DEMO reactor: DCLL and WCLL. Three different divertor compositions have been tested demonstrating the importance of this component not only locally but in the global radiation field. The transport analysis has been performed with the Monte Carlo code MCNP5 and the JEFF3.1.1 and JEFF3.2 data libraries. The activation responses calculated using Advanced D1S method have been recently assessed and summarized in the present paper.

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