
Hydrothermal reaction of cadmium salts, tricarballylic acid (H3tca) and dipyridyl ligands resulted in generation of four coordination polymers that were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The nature of the ancillary dipyridyl ligand plays a primary role in enforcing differing structural topologies across the series of new phases. [Cd2(tcaH)2(dpe)2]n (1, dpe = 1,2-di(4-pyridyl)ethane) displays a 2-fold interpenetrated 3D 41263pcu net based on 6-connected {Cd2(O)(OCO)} cluster nodes. [Cd(tcaH)(dpp)(H2O)]n (2, dpp = 1,2-di(4-pyridyl)propane) manifests a 1D + 1D → 3D interlocked system of loop-containing perpendicular ribbon motifs. {[Cd4(tca)2(Htca)(bpmp)5(H2O)2]·27H2O}n (3, bpmp = bis(4-pyridylmethyl)piperazine) has intersecting [Cd4(tca)2(Htca)(H2O)2]n layer, [Cd(bpmp)(H2O)]n chain, and [Cd2(bpmp)3]n ladder submotifs and forms a complicated 3,4,5-connected trinodal 3D self-penetrated network with (6.92)(42638)(42638.9310) topology. {[Cd(tcaH)(Hbpmp)](ClO4)·5.5H2O}n (4) exhibits stacked cationic bilayer (4,4) grid slabs. All compounds showed potential as potential detectors for nitrobenzene in ethanol suspension via luminescence quenching, with 1 showing the highest uptake of analyte.

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