
Interleukin-31 (IL-31) is a member of the four helical-bundle gp130/IL-6 cytokine family. Despite its implicated roles in inflammatory diseases, the biosynthetic processes of IL-31 have been poorly investigated. A detailed understanding of IL-31 biosynthesis and the nature of ligand–receptor interactions can provide insights into effective strategies for the design of therapeutic approaches. By using various heterologous protein expression systems, we demonstrated that murine IL-31 was secreted as inter-molecularly disulfide-bonded covalent aggregates. Covalently aggregated IL-31 appeared while trafficking in the secretory pathway, but was not actively retained in the ER. The aggregate formation was not caused by a dysfunctional ER quality control mechanism or an intrinsic limitation in protein folding capacity. Furthermore, secreted IL-31 aggregates were part of a large complex composed of various pleiotropic secretory factors and immune-stimulators. The extent and the heterogeneous nature of aggregates may imply that IL-31 was erroneously folded, but it was capable of signaling through cognate receptors. Mutagenesis revealed the promiscuity of all five cysteines in inter-molecular disulfide formation with components of the hetero-aggregates, but no cysteine was required for IL-31 secretion itself. Our present study not only illustrated various functions that cysteines perform during IL-31 biosynthesis and secretion, but also highlighted their potential roles in cytokine effector functions.

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