
Cerebellar and reticular projections of neurones located in sacral segments of the spinal cord were electrophysiologically investigated in alpha-chloralose anaesthetized cats. Antidromic action potentials were recorded following stimulation of the contralateral restiform body (coRB), contralateral gigantocellular nucleus (coGRN) as well as ipsi- and contralateral lateral funiculus of the 13th thoracic segment (iTh13 and coTh13). Eighty seven neurones were found in the medial lamina VII and lamina VIII of the gray matter of S1 and S2 segments. Their axons ascended in lateral funiculi on the contralateral side and in 46 cases also on the ipsilateral side of the spinal cord. A projection to coRB was found in 20 neurones, to coGRN in 10 and dual projections to both coRB and coGRN in 20 neurones. Axons of the remaining 37 cells were found to ascend to the level of Th13 only. Conduction velocities of neurones investigated were comprised in the range 35–83 m/s and no significant differences were found between particular groups. However, an evident decrease in conduction was observed in most neurones when comparing proximal to distal parts of their axons, suggesting the possibility of more extensive divergence than indicated in this study. The pattern of projections revealed that the information from the periphery is conveyed in parallel to various supraspinal and possibly also spinal centres.

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