
The diurnal patterns of food intake and plasma corticosterone levels were determined in lactating Wistar-Imamichi rats maintained in a light (14 L: 10 D, lights on 0500 hr) and temperature (24±2°C) controlled animal room. Lactating mothers with four or more than eight pups showed a characteristic diurnal pattern of food intake with high rates of intake around the time of lights off. The diurnal rhythmicity of food intake seemed to disappear in late lactation in mothers with more than eight pups. The plasma corticosterone concentration on day 9 of lactation displayed a diurnal rhythm with high values at 1700 hr and 2100 hr. The rhythmicity of the corticosterone levels was abolished on day 16 of lactation and a high level was maintained throughout a 24 hr period. Since the diurnal rhythm of the corticosterone level was shifted in animals fed during the restricted period (0900–1700 hr) from days 2 to 9 of lactation, the appearance of diurnal rhythm of corticoid secretion seemed to depend on the diurnal feeding rhythm in lactation as well as in the estrous cycle.

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