
Biogeographia vol. XXIII ~ 2002 (Pubblicato il 1° ottobre 2002) Biogeografia degli ambienti costieri Distribuzione dei flebotomi (Diptera, Psychodidae) nella Sicilia orientale: primi dati di transetti di stazioni di monitoraggio dalla Costa verso l’entroterra* VERA D’URSO*, FRANCESCO RUTA*, CRISTINA KHOURY**, RICCARDO BIANCHI**, MICHELE l\/I_AROLI** *Dz]mrtiment0 di Biologizz Animzz/e ‘Marcello L11 Gremf Uniz/ersitiz di Camnia, Via /lndrom‘ 81 — 95124 Ctztzznizl {ImIz'zz) e—mzzz'/: dur5oz1e@mbox. zmict. it **LzzIzonztorz'o dz‘ Panmitologizz, Irtituto superiore dz’ Szmz'tz‘z, Vial: Regina 299 — 00161 Roma (Ira/221) e—mIzz'I: mar0Ii@iss. it Keywords: sandflies, distribution, ecology, Leishmania, Sicily SUMMARY This paper analyses data of three—years (1997-1999) of sandfly collections carried out in eastern Sicily in order to identify the areas where there is a greater risk of contracting leishmaniasis (human cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis and Canine leishrnaniasis). Sanclfly collections were performed in domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic habitats in rural, urban and periurban areas in Catania, Syracuse and Ragusa provinces. The sites sampled are displaced along 3 transepts: A, along 87 Km ofcoastal area (6 sampling sites); B, along 30 Km vertically of the eastern slopes of mount Etna, reaching 750 In. a.s.l. (7 sampling sites); C, vertically up the eastern side of the lblei mountains, through 85 Km, reaching 895 m. a.s.l. (6 sampling sites); D, going up 87 Km on the southern side of Iblei mountains, reaching 690 m. 21.3.1. (5 sampling sites). More than 10,000 sandflies were collected by non—attractive sticlcy traps placed in all possible recovery sites for the flebotomini. Specimens were identified as belonging to 6 species: P/J[€b0t0}7IlI.\'17E7‘71iL‘i0SZlL P. pefiliezui, P. Izeglectur, P. papzztzzri, P. mgmzi, and Sergemfomyzz mizzzztzz. Density, dominance and Frequency of each species, per transept, are estimated and discussed. The comprehensive analysis shows that the most frequent and abundant species are S. nzinz/ta and P. pemiciarzzr followed by P. neglecrur, P. rergenti and last, P. pzzpzztzzsi and P. pezfiliewi. It is possible to distinguish two areas: one area at the foot of mount Etna, with extensive urban settlements, with almost all species among which P. pmzitiarrzs, P. neglectw and P. rergenti are the most significant; the second area, in the Iblei region, with not very extensive urban settlements and more arid, with few species, among which 5. minzztrz is the most widespread. No relationships were found among altitude, coastal distance and sandfly species but there is.a strong correlation with area and type of habitat. ‘k . . . . . . . . . . . . Gli autorl hanno contnbuito in mode paritetico alla impostazione e alla stesura del lavoro. Rrcerca in parte iinanziata dall’Universita di Catania: Fondo Ricerca di Ateneo (ex 60%).

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