
The aim of this study was to determine the frequency and distribution of Candida spp. within different age groups and different contraceptive methods users in women with vulvovaginal symptoms. The study included 569 female outpatients who had visited the Education and Research Hospital of Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey, between Jaunary 2004 and June 2005. Among 569 women with symptoms of vulvovaginitis, 240 (42.2%) were positive for Candida spp., of which 106 (44.2%) were C. albicans and 134 (55.8%) were non-albicans spp. The age group 26-30 y had the highest frequency of Candida spp. (23.7%). Candida spp. were isolated from 44.2% of contraceptive method users, and 37.9% of non-contraceptive users (p>0.05). The isolation rate of C. albicans was higher among oral-contraceptive users (57.5%) than IUCD users (38.5%), coitus interruptus (48.5%) and condom users (42.8%). These results indicate that factors associated with age and contraceptive method used may influence the occurrence and distribution of Candida spp. in women with vulvovaginal symptoms.

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