
AbstractA total of 158 Aegilops-Triticum samples representing six Aegilops species (one diploid, four tetraploid and one hexaploid) and one diploid Triticum were collected along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, and their distribution on the 350 km long coastal line was reported. The region south of Kamchia river, accepted as the middle point of the coast, was characterized by the greatest diversity of these wild relatives of wheat. The most widely distributed species in this area was Ae. geniculata. Ae. cylindrica was distributed only in north (Durankulak), while Ae. biuncialis and Ae. triuncialis were collected both north and south of Kamchia river. All samples of Ae. neglecta were hexaploid. Natural hybrids of goatgrass and wheat were found in Ae. cylindrica populations. Triticum monococcum ssp. aegilopoides had limited distribution in the south region. Aegilops uniaristata was recorded as a new species for the Bulgarian flora. Most of the samples expressed resistance to powdery mildew in seedling and adult stage, but all of them were polymorphic regarding the resistance to leaf rust (cultures 73760 and 43763). The study revealed additional data for the distribution of Aegilops and Triticum species in Bulgaria and their potential value as genetic resources in wheat improvement.

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