
Most navigation systems adopt a static shortest path routing algorithm with an optional traffic information gathered from a few monitoring devices and managed by a centralised Traffic Information Centre TIC. It yields several drawbacks: only offering the partial traffic information and yielding a low reliability because of using a centralised TIC. This paper thus proposes a fully distributed approach, namely the Distributed Wireless sensor network-based Adaptive least-travel-time Navigation approach D-WAN. In D-WAN, the real-time traffic information is collected from diverse types of sensors equipped on vehicles and exchanged among neighbour vehicles, and then build a fully distributed and reliable navigation environment. Numerical results demonstrate D-WAN outperforms the compared approaches in travel time, exhausted gasoline, and traffic load balancing index while yielding competitive travel distance. The worst case running-time is analysed, which requires ON · R and OM² time under the high-density and sparse vehicle environments, respectively.

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