
After more than a century of domination by neo-Darwinian theory, biological thought is beginning to giveincreasing recognition to developmental theory. Amongst other reasons, this recent widening ofperspective is grounded on the incompleteness of the neo-Darwinian perspective in providing modelsfor the invention of novel forms or species and individual development. Evolutionary design theory hasdrawn much of its inspiration from evolutionary biology and consequently shows analogous flaws. Thispaper demonstrates an adoption of biological developmental theory to the field of design theory in orderto fill the corresponding gap. As natural developmental processes are based on the development ofcellular units, which form composite structures, this paper employs the cellular model as a means for thedevelopment of a corresponding design and construction theory. The discussion of this approachincludes possible linkages between morphologic and behavioral attributes of tissues with implicationsfor self-assembly, growth, healing and self-reproduction of man-made structures.

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