
Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) and external tones (XTs) were used as primaries f2 and f1, respectively (frequency of f2 > f1) to create 2f1--f2 distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs). Amplitude and frequency of the SOAEs, XTs, and DPOAEs were recorded by placing a sensitive microphone in the ear canal and extracted using fast Fourier transform analysis. XTs were presented to ten ears at SOAE/f1 ratios between 1.08 and 1.22. XTs were incremented in 5-dB steps and ranged from levels equal to the initial SOAE amplitudes to levels at which the SOAEs and DPOAEs were suppressed into the noise floor. Results indicated that DPOAE amplitudes and SOAE suppression characteristics were idiosyncratic. Despite the variability, the following trends were noted: (1) at larger frequency ratios, DPOAE generation and SOAE suppression were associated with greater XT levels; (2) DPOAE growth functions were characterized by slopes less than 1 dB/dB, a maximum, rollover and disappearance into the noise floor with increasing XT levels; (3) maximum amplitude DPOAEs were observed at frequencies approximately one-half octave lower than the SOAE (f2); (4) the presence of DPOAEs was associated with SOAE suppression; (5) the most common SOAE frequency shift, in the presence of XT stimulation, was a shift to a higher frequency.

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