
The murine B-lymphocyte hybridoma, CC9C10, was grown at steady state in serum-free continuous culture at dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations of 10, 50, and 100% of air saturation. The secreted mAb, an IgG1, was purified and subjected to both enzymatic deglycosylation using PNGase F and chemical deglycosylation by hydrazinolysis. Both methods resulted in complete removal of N-linked oligosaccharide chains. Isolated N-glycan pools were analyzed by fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis (FACE) and high pH anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC–PAD). The FACE profiles and corresponding HPAEC–PAD chromatograms of N-linked oligosaccharides obtained by PNGase F digestion and hydrazinolysis provided complementary and corroborating information. The predominant N-linked structures were core-fucosylated asialo biantennary chains with varying galactosylation. There were also minor amounts of monosialylated, and trace amounts of afucosyl, oligosaccharides. A definite shift towards decreased galactosylation of glycan chains was observed as DO concentration in continuous culture was reduced. The vast majority of N-linked glycosylation occurred on the heavy chain. There was no evidence for N-linked glycosylation of the light chain or for O-linked glycosylation of the mAb.

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