
The dissipative quantum electromagnetics is introduced in a comprehensive manner as a field-matter-bath coupling problem. First, the matter is described by a cluster of Lorentz oscillators. Then the Maxwellian free field is coupled to the Lorentz oscillators to describe a frequency dispersive medium. The classical Hamiltonian is derived for such a coupled system, using Lorenz gauge and decoupled scalar and vector potential formulations. The classical equations of motion are derivable from the Hamiltonian using Hamilton equations. Then the Hamiltonian is quantized with all the pertinent variables with the introduction of commutators between the variables and their conjugate pairs. The quantum equations of motion can be derived using the quantum Hamilton equations. It can be shown that such a quantization scheme preserves the quantum commutators introduced. Then a noise bath consisting of simple harmonic oscillators is introduced and coupled to the matter consisting of Lorentz oscillators to induce quantum loss. Langevin source emerges naturally in such a procedure, and it can be shown that the results are consistent with the fluctuation dissipation theorem, and the quantization procedure of Welsch's group. The advantage of the present procedure is that no diagonalization of the Hamiltonian is necessary to arrive at the quantum equations of motion. Finally, we apply the quantization scheme to model spontaneous emission of a two-level polarized atom placed above a dielectric cylinder that supports a bound state in the continuum.

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