
Bacterial collagenase was injected into the vitreous of the eye of chick and quail embryos. Immunocytochemical and ultrastructural studies revealed that the collagenase dissolved the retinal basal lamina of the injected eye. The basal lamina disruption was first detectable 1 hour after enzyme injection and was complete within 3 hours. With further development, the retinal basal lamina was not reestablished; newly developing neuroepithelium in the peripheral retina, however, generated an intact basal lamina. Western blot analysis showed that Clostridial collagenase degraded various collagens but spared noncollagenous proteins. Basal lamina disruption of embryonic day 3 to 6 retinae led to the retraction of the end feet of the neuroepithelial cells, caused an increase in the number of Islet-1+ cells (most likely ganglion cells), an increase in the thickness of the optic fiber layer, and aberrant growth of optic axons on their way toward the optic disc. None of these changes were observed when retinal basal laminae were disrupted at later stages of development. The present data demonstrate that the retinal basal lamina, by anchoring the neuroepithelial cells to the pial surface of the retina, has an important function in the development of the normal cytoarchitecture of this structure. It is proposed that the altered extracellular environment in the vitreal part of the retina, resulting in the retraction of the neuroepithelial end feet, is responsible for the increased number of Islet-1+ cells and the aberrant axonal navigation.

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