
The relevance of the research is determined by the escalation of the issue of Ukrainians self-identification. The events of recent years in Ukraine have become a significant test for many Ukrainians by self-identification and the choice of corresponding changes in their behavior and the way of thinking.The aim of this research is to identify references about the different types of separation from Ukraine in the song and literary heritage of Ukraine and also to reveal a personal relationship toward the native land under the condition of separation.Research methodology. The article analyzes and systematizes the samples of the Ukrainian cultural heritage for the presence of fixation elements of Ukrainian identity. The cultural phenomenon of the separation from native land (Ukraine) displayed in different literary creativity types and their influence on a person under the condition of separation is considered. The classification of the types of the state of separation from the native land and the identification of their reflection in the song and literary heritage of the Ukrainian people are carried out.Results. A new type of separation from the native land is highlighted; this is a forced loss of the native language. It is shown how aspects of this problem are considered in folk and modern songs. The attention on the use of typical signs of unity with the native land is focused; they have become the symbols of Ukraine. It is noted that some ballads, songs contain direct instruction to the listener. In the found version of the song “The Falcon Is Fraternized...” there is a new stanza, which contains the request: “Teach my children ... In a foreign land ... not to look for happiness“. In the context of aspects of separation from Ukraine and the current state of culture, the concept of “Yevshan-herb” is considered. The concept of “yevshan-herb” in the context of separation from Ukraine and the current culture state is considered.The novelty of this research is an analysis of the Ukrainians cultural identity from a historical perspective, using evidence that is enshrined in folk songs and literary heritage.The practical significance of this research is the systematization of the types of separation from the native land and the addition of such an element as “the forced loss of the native language” to this list. These results make it possible to clarify the foundations of the cultural identity of different peoples drawing on the example of Ukraine and create new foundations for identifying and analyzing elements of self-identification in folk art.

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