
We present an entirely linear all-optical method of dispersion enhancement using coupled cavities that leads to a substantial increase in system transmission in comparison with atom-cavity systems. This is achieved by tuning the system to an anomalous dispersion condition by under-coupling at least one of the cavities to the other. The intracavity anomalous dispersion is then associated with a dip in reflection (and in turn with a peak in transmission) rather than with an absorption resonance as in the case of the atomic vapor. We find that in contrast with the atom-cavity system where mode reshaping always contributes to the mode pushing, in coupled cavity systems reshaping of the mode profile can either contribute to or oppose the mode pushing, and even reverse it under appropriate conditions leading to a reduced scale factor in transmission. We demonstrate a method for further optimizing the transmission of both atom-cavity and coupled-cavity systems, but show that this leads to a more rectangular mode profile and a reduction in the scale factor bandwidth. We also derive the cavity scale factor in reflection for both atom-cavity and coupled cavity systems and show that in reflection the reshaping of the mode profile can either contribute to or oppose the mode pushing, but cannot reverse it.

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