
Ectomycorrhizas produced between Pisolithus tinctorius and Eucalyptus pilularis under axenic conditions were rapidly frozen, freeze-substituted in tetrahydrofuran and embedded anhydrously, and dry-sectioned for X-ray microanalysis. The vacuoles of the sheath and Hartig net hyphae were rich in phosphorus and potassium. They also contained sulfur and variable amounts of chlorine. In anhydrously processed freeze-substituted mycorrhizas, dispersed electron-opaque material filled the fungal vacuoles. X-ray maps indicated that P was distributed evenly throughout the entire vacuole profile and was not concentrated in spherical bodies or subregions of the vacuole. There were no electron-opaque granules surrounded by electron-lucent areas, such as are commonly seen in chemically fixed material. The fungal vacuoles were also rich in K, which similarly gave a signal from the entire vacuolar profile. Such P-rich vacuoles occurred in both the mycorrhizal sheath and Hartig net hyphae. Stained sections of ether–acrolein freeze-substituted mycorrhizas also showed only dispersed material in the fungal vacuoles as, in most cases, did acetone–osmium freeze-substituted material. Precipitation of metachromatic granules by ethanol suggested that large amounts of polyphosphate are stored in these regions under the conditions of our experiments, as well as in the tips of actively growing hyphae of the same fungus. The higher plant vacuoles of ectomycorrhizas gave a much lower signal for K, and P was barely detectable. Much more K was located in the vacuoles of the root exodermal cells than in epidermal cells. The analysis of element distribution between the vacuole and cytoplasm in root cells agrees well with that found for other plant species using other techniques. We conclude that polyphosphate is indeed present in the vacuoles of the fungal cells of these ectomycorrhizas, but that in vivo it is in a dispersed form, not in granules.

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